Whiskas Adult (+1 year) Chicken 1.02 kg (12×0.09 kg) Wet Adult Cat Food
Product Highlights
With sumtuous gravy and chicken, this cat food from Whiskas is the perfect thing to pamper your cat with. The meal is easy to serve, helping you save time.

Whiskas knows what your cat craves for. And it also knows how to keep your cat healthy and glowing with vitality at all times. 100 percent nutritionally balanced, this meal provides your cat’s fur, skin and vitals all the right essentials for a strong body.

With vitamin D, vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus and other antioxidants, this meal helps your cat grow beautifully with strong bones and a good immune system, providing him with all the energy that he needs to play. The meal also has selected quality protein and fat to make your cat energetic throughout the day.

Serve your cat this complete and balanced meal with clean drinking water every day, preferably two times a day as per your cat’s body weight. If your cat does not seem to like the food at first, do continue to serve this food for a few more days.

Introducing your cat to Whiskas will require you to blend portions of it in its home cooked food initially. Begin by blending 25 percent of Whiskas with 75 percent of home cooked food on the first day. Increase this to 50 percent of Whiskas cat food with 50 percent of home food after two days. Make it 75 percent of Whiskas cat food with 25 percent home-made food on day five and six, and after a week of the course, your cat will be ready to have Whiskas wholesome cat food in entirity. You can safely store your cat’s Whiskas dry food in an airtight container. Ensure that it is properly sealed at all times, away from sunlight and at room temperature.