Whiskas Kitten (2-12 months) Fish 1.1 kg Dry Young Cat Food
Product Highlights
Why feed unwanted parts of fish when you can let your cat enjoy rich ocean fish with this cat food from Whiskas? Easy to serve and tasty, this cat food is sure to make your cat feel special.

With its years of experience, Whiskas knows what is best for your cat, and what it needs, not just to live a long and healthy life but also to maintain his fur, skin and other vitals. Designed for every stage of your cat, the meals are complete and 100 percent nutritionally balanced. Whiskas understands your cat’s love for variety and has meals in different flavours.

This meal is prepared to suit the natural feeding instinct of your cat. The high moisture content provides an optimum balance of water in your cat’s body to keep it hydrated at all times and maintain the health of its urinary tract.

Serve your cat this complete and balanced meal with clean drinking water every day, preferably two times a day as per your cat’s body weight. If your cat does not seem to like the food at first, do continue the mixture for a few more days.

Introducing your cat to Whiskas will require you to blend portions of the food in its home cooked food. Begin by blending 25 percent of Whiskas cat food with 75 percent home cooked food on the first day. Increase this to 50 percent of Whiskas cat food in 50 percent of home food after two days. Make it 75 percent of Whiskas cat food with 25 percent home food on day 5, and after a week, your cat is ready to have the wholesome Whiskas cat food. Store your cat’s Whiskas food in an airtight container. Ensure that it is properly sealed at all times, away from sunlight and at room temperature.